Monday, May 1, 2017

Survivor of April2017 #AtoZChallenge


During April 2016 Camp NaNoWriMo, I wrote a story a day that I tell verbally. These stories were just outlined for tellling at events. April 2017, I entered the #AtoZBlog challenge to post a daily 'teaser' for the story on my blog The Story Realm. Also, the completed story was posted daily at my site on for my followers to read. The double challenge is the best way to link the stories and reached readers. 

The super best are the links The StoryRealm has links to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, and this blog goes to my Amazon page. I used these to send 'teaser' for the story to followers.

So written daily, a story was posted on many sites for visits and comments from my followers. I have successfully written a story daily and notified my followers because I was under pressure at Camp NaNoWriMo to finish the project. So, I say, take all challenges, do your best, and while working on a project 'web' publish so others can see your progress.

THANK YOU all at CAMP NaNoWriMo and #AtoZchallenge ---> I'm one who needs a challenge and a goal to feel success, especially the bonus of the certificates that state, 'WINNER' and 'SURVIVOR' which were earned and well deserved.