Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Completion A2Z and NaNoWriCAMP

READ the A2Z Blogs on the 2020 Challenge.

    I show empathy;
    I show encouragement;
    I show comfort;
    I stay level and aware;
    I am sensitive
    and I LISTEN.

My concerns are
    feeling relax,
    feeling free.
    feeling aware,
    having the highest ESTEEM for the other and myself.

I am concerned with:
    relating being to being.
    adult to adult
I own my feelings. I own my being  —> 
(parent, adult, youth, child) (anima and animus)
I believe:
    The other has enough wisdom and knowledge.
    I expect the other to own reactions.

I trust and LET GO!

The finish, V, W, X,Y, AND Z - Emotional Feelings


We Carry Negatives.

These stories listed in TheStoryRealm because of an astonishing book that entered my life when I was very sick and had to change my expectation for myself, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, by Debbie Ford, published in 1998. The book handed to me by my best friend, Janet, we did professional gardening for eight years. I have known Janet since the late ’70s. I was an in-house child-care provider (pre-school for ages 2 to 5) with my children and about 30 others, and Janet ran an after school daycare.

 As far as I can tell, most knowledge about who we are and who we become is not the same for all. The experiences we have and the attitude given to us and what we carry are the successful or impaired thought our lives. How one handles burdens offered given to us by parents, schools, and especially society norms affects what we think we can accomplish.

Knowing and understanding emotional attitudes in our vast world passed to us as girls, maiden, matron, or crones —> these feelings, beliefs, emotions can be gifts with positive results.

HOPE is the emotion offer through these folktales about women as servers, who enlighten our progress as a healthy, rational, and successfully individual. I’m talking about personal attitudes that extend an abundance of peace and prosperity of the mind.

The woman featured in these folktales used skills to succeed in life. As a woman, I may and can use all of these skills in my goals and journeys into male-dominated literature, news, government, justice system, I have value.



 Negatives Have the Positives Hidden.

-->First, is to admit negative feeling has a positive emotion wrapped. What I mean is, with great fear is enduring courage, with laziness is ambition. So when I looked at my feelings that I had charted, there were 104 negatives, which mean I held 104 positives, the opposite effect, actually to ensure balancing.

— > Second is to notice when you look at the charts of emotions, they appeared like an onion, which grows in rounds, For each emotion charted, there are about 10 or 15 that group together. These peeked into a triangle, and inside the layer of the circle leaves wait push from the top, just like an onion set in the earth, leaves force from the top with new growth. These leaves can be positive or negative. As feminists, we can change the negative that might grow in how we think as she.

—> Third, when a set of negatives are cleared, the next one comes, and again with the negative and positives, we grew another onion into another triangle with leaves pushing the growth. Each triangle set afire by a task:  writing, artist, health, money, success, parents, friends, family, mothering, victim, oppressed or growing positive for balancing a whole being.



The Stink Onion Grew in my Yard.

When Janet I did the gardening, one of our observations was that each client grew their own weeds and that weed prospered in the gardens. Each client had different weeds even though they lived next door to each other. A negative emotion attaches and becomes real in our physical world. Maybe the client was throwing the plants off. We also noticed that flowers can be planted by clients.

My concern was that I was throw off a weed in my garden. 

Yes, I did; I discovered the stink onions.

The stink onion spreads by small bulbs in the ground and seeds on top, dropping to the ground, an obsessive dominate weed. The leaves stink. The onions grew among the roses and along my path coming into my house. I was horrified.
Although the onion’s flowers smell sweet and form seeds resembling pearls, the seeds are associated with tears, regrets by the decisions made, to irrigate in the eye, which demanded to clear for better vision.

"If only, I thought … clearly"
"Were it not that … impossible"
"But … I should have … known"
"The male so dominate."
"Redoing this will be … painful"

I hated myself, I let this happen, I planted the onions, I criticize my writing and art because I was not a male, man, or lad guarantee a spotlight. I spread these onions around in other gardens. I am a tool of abuse spreading the burdensome, laborious, troublesome, tedious onions, which showed no remorse, guilt, blame, doubts, and required pulling and digging, again and again, year after year. Hard work with constant watching, enormous demands on me. I had planted the onions for a long time, which caused severe hardship for the rest of my garden.

With patience, carefulness, and persistence, I dug up the roots and stopped the spread of seeds into mine and other gardens.



I Glared at FEAR.

I read Debbie Ford’s book again and again and found I could make a chart about the attitudes that came up for me. I have chartered 04, sounds like a lot, and it is.  I used my opinions and the ones I saw projected between my friends or at group meetings.

I came from the working class with a negative attitude that life is a struggle with work and more work constant struggling with no hope. My working negative passed from generation to generation.

Fear was the worst of the negatives. I asked that the negative to appear as Debbie suggested,  a personification of the negative attitude to face, observe, and question. Fear was an ugly aged bum that slobbered, dirty, and glared into my eyes. At a cattle auction when I was five, his friend offered candy, and this man grabbed me in front of all the people passing bye. My mom saved me. I sat in the car, the old man smile, he had won. My voice was stopped, I could not be seen on stage. Now, I sat across from the bum at an outside cafe. I stared and asked this analogizing memory, “What do you have to offer?” He glared. I asked, “What is your positive gift that I needed.” I was amazed not a word spoken, only I heard COURAGE and STRENGTH to MOVE, NOT TO FREEZE, an answer. I glared at filthy fear while he struggles to lift up to leave with his friend, who waited, both bent, dirty old negatives.

I  made charts about my conversations with other attitudes: Daring Dog, Ole Crone, Angry Adie, Roomer Roma, Craze Jane, Victim Vic, Ugly Herb, Frozen Fred, Numb Nellie, Ailing Allen, Sad Sue, Sloppy Sofie, Dull Doug, Leech Lee, to name a few.  Negatives are predators of prejudices, attitudes, opinions, horrors, who cover the positives.

Here is my chart — Face your negative.




First --> to see and feel an emotion filling the room:  fear, joy, revenge, hate, anger, love (I hate you!). Next, the projection of attitudes from people: struggle, negativism, fearfulness, unloved, fulfillment, peacefulness, blindness, humorous, selfish, etc., which float around in a room mixing.

Second --> these beliefs (good or bad) are learned before we are three. At that age, one has very little to remember and lots to learn, especially attitudes and opinions, and this learning is enormous because of the lack of experience in the three-year-old mind. Then at all ages, this learned attitude or position of the three-year-old becomes dominant. Then child, youth, adult, prove these attitudes or opinions are correct through all the experiences lived. As people, we use and think these attitudes are real, proper, right, made the truth, as told by storytellers in traditional folktales. When I was a child, men wrote these stories and offer the attitude of that time.

The destruction of clear thinking, negative attitudes, or opinions is a wall in the road of seeing what is really here and correct for us.

Third --> with many, many experiences the three-year-old’s magnified grip on a negative emotional will relax. My worst attitude was 'I WAS SECOND TO A HE, THE OWNER.' NOT FROM MY DAD AS FAIR AS HE WAS TO ME; THIS ATTITUDE CAME FROM MY MOTHER. Her brothers went to high school; like her, she went off to work at age 14. Positive emotional feelings and attitudes helped me change this limited vision of the world into possibilities and better opportunities.

NOW, I ventured into my life;  seeing, smelling, observing, tasting, and touching, reacting to the positives going around. 

I am me.
He is him.
Mine is not his.
We live in balance.


I say to all he, she, his, her, this is us, ours.

—> Get out of the BOX:  observe, wonder, marvel at the balance we have with the feminine.

—> Get out of the three-year-old’s picture and attitudes, start accepting good, strong 
emotional feelings of gender to decide what you want that is best for your child, youth, and adult, a must for others, also!

--> I work every day to be a feminist to encourage girls, maiden, matrons, and crones; we have, we own, and so happen. WE, the genders together, must change the language and rib ourselves of dominating he, inside words for hers.  We are balanced we, us, ours, individuals, each a being,

Saturday, April 25, 2020

#21 Thomas and the Dragon, UTILIZE

uproar vs understand --> useful.
U for the emotional feeling, UTILIZE!

Thomas and the Dragon
I like this folktale from Greece. A balance exists between Thoas saving an earth dragon (her), and later, the dragon saving Thoas, a boy.

I fall in love with the stories of Chinese dragons and their history and what they meant. I told © 'How Dragons Shaped China.’ from my storytelling days at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, 2002 - 2012.  A quick minimal history of dragons through many eons and why each type of dragon is vital for creating China. As you know, Chinese dragons fly without wings.

Dragons are ancient creatures, born in China, the first dragon is Pa’gue. The sky, water, and land dragons float across the heavens, swim through the water, and travel by land into our stories. Only the European dragon has wings, most likely the sails seen on traveling ships from China and possibly the Vikings’ ships. Cultural Dragons do mix and mingle, and this has gone on for egos and egos, we do not know how long.

Dragon stories are told by many other authors with various and different intrigues.

My favorite books by Anne McCaffrey who, wrote a set of young adult novels set on the planet Pern — first is Dragonsong, a female protagonist, Dragonsinger, and the Dragondrums, which I loved as an adult. Then another set called Dragon Keepers of Pern

#20 - Little Wren, TRIUMPH!

tyrant vs tactics ---> tools.
T the emotional feeling, TRIUMPH!

Little Wren, Irish folktale        

I like this tale. The flight of birds is the envy of people because of a bird's power to see the earth from high.

Today’s story is about a flying contest to pick a qualified Ruler of the Birds. The winner is not the biggest, strongest, or most powerful, the winner is the smallest and clever. What if this was a little female bird instead of a male as portrayed in the male-dominated literature of the 12th and 18th centuries, (just a thought), or, no gender.

Do we really know the gender of the Wren? The female lays the eggs. Both build and sit on the nest, both look for food to feed the chicks, The male and female Wrens look alike.

Wren Day, “The origin may be a Samhain or midwinter sacrifice and/or celebration, as Celtic mythology considered the wren a symbol of the past year (the European wren is known for its habit of singing even in mid-winter."  Wikipedia

“Wrann, Wrann, the Ruler of Birds” is the ballad.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

#19 Fanciest of Tails, SATISFIED

scared vs sensible ---> solution
S is for the emotional feeling, SATISFIED.

Fanciest of Tails  

I wrote this story Fanciest of Tails,  WHY?
A great analogy, metaphor, allegory, Peacock loves his tail and then his feathers fall out. So I used his tail for my writings saga when all my stories destroyed.

My computer had a horror glitch in 1998 and wiped off all my stories. Twenty years of writing my inspirations on a computer all gone even the save disc warped. Mine other saved disc too old to translate.

Luckily, I printed most of the stories during the years and put inside paper folders. No recent edits, bumbles! I cried tons of fears, took the horrid computer into my backyard, beat the devouring monster with a hammer, and buried the mess deep into the ground. Fearing my writing life over, however, a voice in my mind said, "You will recover the stories." After recovering from my horrible sickness in 1999, I studied storytelling. Transcripts of stories I told at swaps and at the Asian Art Museum, I handwrote on charts and saved in paper folders with paper backups. I wrote these in a new computer with multi backups, really too many. And, each good edit saved to wattpad.com or Bublish.com.

I have the Elfin Letters, which came after the monster ate my other stories for my granddaughter. Fortunately, Rhyonna's Fright I started in 1986 as a poem. I had the pieced here and there I put together from the saved manuscripts. This book published in 2016. SUCCESS!  

Now having Damsel in Distress; Sita's Narrative; Fire, the Hunger; Dragons Shape China; Tiger's Saga; Vasilisa, the Frog Princess; possibly Vishnu's Lives; Spooky Tales; and Nature Tales with sequential frames ready for my series, Telling Timeless Tales to be published soon in ebook stores on the internet. Join my email, EVENTING . .  for updates.

Next are my originals tales to write for a collection called Bryce Farm. Sodie, a goose, is the collector of forty narratives from the animals and what they do and their fears; allegories, metaphors, analogies, and similes of problems solved. The farmyard and woods are the frame for the original tales. 

Today, I have recovered most of my stories and will go on to publishing. Plus, today, we have the internet with blogs, videos, podcasts, e-publishing, for written and verbal avenues with exciting platforms for telling or writing our tales.

#18 Farmer Feast, RESIST

rage vs rouse --> resent.
R is for the emotional feeling of RESIST!

Farmer's Feast        

Do I like the story? Yes! Raven does know she wants to be free. By the way, I changed from a little boy (really)  to Raven as the narrator now a raven as she. Raven is concerned about the captivity of her friends. My license as a storyteller to change within my timeline and my motivation. Hard to tell the sex of a bird most are the same colors need the pronouns to know who is male or female.

A farmer’s feast to invite the animals into his barn and use them for services. A rooster does the bidding for the farmer, possible for territory reasons! And Raven does the warning. A one of a kind folktale in Andrew Lang collection in The Brown Fairy Book, once the stories thought too violent for children. I read all his books when in the 6th and 7th grades. I biked to the West Side Library in Colorado City with my best friend, Marilyn. My reading scores went from a non-reader to excellent, and I learned about the cultures of Europe and the Middle East. I had no idea at that time about the male point of view, how the female (male) was is in service to this ideology, and how this affected me as a youth; men wrote and published books.

Andrew Lang (March 31, 1844 - July 20, 1912) was a prolific Scots poet, novelist, and literary critic but is best known as the collector of folk and fairy tales.

Read all of his fairytales/folktales twelve books downloads for Kindle, epub, or PDF files from the University of Adelaide, https://ebooks.adelaide.edu.au/l/lang/andrew/l26pf/contents.html, eBooks@Adelaide, The University of Adelaide Library, South Australia 5005. last updated March 2016 (What a find and all these classic folktales for FREE!)  Closed the free downloads April 2020, can only borrow the books.

#17 Hare and Tortoise, QUALIFIED

quest vs quit --> quietly.
Q is for the emotional feeling, QUALIFIED!


I like this story.  
First, one of my favorites fables because I think of myself as a turtle, slow and steady, and somehow, at the end of winning to steadily achieving my goal as a writer. The turtle in Eastern mythology holds up the four directions of this earth. P'ngue, the first dragon of China, stood on turtle's back and listened to all the stories turtle told. Unfortunately, we assume P'ngue was a male and he gave turtle's tales to us. What if turtle was female, and the narrator did in the male voice, as the tales were.

When I was a child in Colorado, turtles still walked on the prairies, and sometimes we would catch one, of course, the snapping turtle bit. The turtles were old and about a foot across. I hope the slow, careful reptiles still live on those vast plains of the Midwest and races with the long-legged hare. Hard to tell which is a male or female, so suits both sexes.

The coastal Indians of American have a story for the 13 sections on turtle's back for the 13 moons of the year.

Secondly, why Iike this fable. The storyteller also has for centuries, forever, told traditional stories that have a simple plot: 
a quest. We enhance and re-image a place, time, characters, events to solve and push the adventure forward to the solution, then a conclusion. These are standard guidelines that create our novels. “Once upon a time, there lived so-and-so in a land far away . . .

This ancient fable, which I call, Rabbit and the Turtle, is an uncomplicated plot: a quest:
set-up – the careful turtle slower that the over-confident rabbit; CLIMAX - slow, plodding turtle wins; rabbit can’t believe the turtle won, and neither can the turtle.

I have discovered because stories are traditional, the basic plots speak to our genetic bodies. The bones of our stories and our bodies' bones connect through hearing and telling. We re-image scenes, place, characters and events, everything but the plot. Look at all the Hare and Tortoise stories in the library. Writers and storytellers link the simple plot to us inbred into our spirits, souls, physic for centuries before there was writing or photos or films or DVDs. A simple scheme satisfies, verbal stories are remembered.

This fable is from Aesop, a Greek slave, who came from India.

A HARE one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing: "Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race." The Hare, believing her assertion to be simply impossible, assented to the proposal; and they agreed that the Fox should choose the course and fix the goal. On the day appointed for the race, the two started together. The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, she went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course. The Hare, lying down by the wayside, fell asleep. At last, waking up, and moving as fast as he could, he saw the Tortoise had reached the goal and was comfortably dozing after her fatigue.
Slow but steady wins the race.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

#16 Durga helps of the Gods. POWER

provoke vs protect --> prepare. 
P is the emotional feeling, POWER

Durga Helps the Gods.
  I LIKE THIS STORY. I learned that woman has a lot of control over the men, (Gods, kings, and demons) while the men think they are in control. Durga is one, powerful Goddess called to help Gods. Her duty to drive a demon for the Hindi lands of India. She has all the emotional characteristics of a warrior: fearless, disciplined, determined, and physical powers.

I met Durga when I was a child running across a field playing "Ya, ya, Ya, you can't get me," teasing a monster.

Years later, in a creative writing class, I wrote a short story of my childhood running through the fields enticing a monster. “Ya, ya, ya, you can’t catch us.” I fell; I knew the beast would suffocate me. When I stopped yelling and screaming, I saw this wonderful magical woman, not my mom, not an angel, not a faery, and not a saint. From then on, I knew I was protected. I actually forgot about the story knowing always knowing was safe. I even told this story for the primary challenge for America Has Talent. My telling was not convincing.

Read on wattpad.com
Finally, Durga, herself, spoke to me. "I am the field goddess. I am of the Shakti energies of the earth, the Devi, the goddess of protection created by all the Gods. Durga comes as a mere woman to help the innocent. You were a child, who thought a monster lived in the field. Durga helps conquer dangers, helps overcome foes, offers courage to stand and fight if slicing off the head of the evil demon."

I had her voice. Come read her story on wattpad.com, DURGA HELPS THE GODS.  

 Why is this story unique? The major male Gods and the minor gods create a superwoman to conquer a demon because of his request, death only by a woman. I think the buffalo-demon came from the Mesopotamia trade cultures many, many centuries ago to conquer India?  The demon is part of the good/bad fights between the GODS as KINGS. Masiha thinks he knows the Hindi view of women, 'curves to serve'.

What is cultural awareness?  The gifts the Gods give to the woman tell how much the Gods battled with other outsiders to create immortality and realms for themselves. All the Hindi Gods are one huge verbal ‘soap opera’ then to written mythologies. The bonus being Gods reborn again and again is to play out dramas. I thought the Greek mythology was confusing.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

#15 Li Chi the Worm Slayer, OWN

opperssion vs obstacle  --> oppose.
O for the emotional feelings --> OWN!

 Li Chi, The Worm Slayer

I LIKE THE STORY. When I found Li Chi in the Asian Art Museum Storyteller's notebook, I was elated!  Dancing!  Shouting, finally, a real heroine from China in 200 BC! Li Chi slew the worm, the monster, that devoured girls in her village, she stopped the sacrifices. I told this story in the Chinese Gallery in the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco. Boys and girls liked the story.

I realized that as a girl, I had to survive the male-dominant structure and his dictates on my feminine life. As a pre-teen youth reading fairytales, folktale, cautionary tales, and legends, I did absorb successes as other ways we could oppose traditions. 

What helped me, as a girl child, was my dad, bless him. He pushed his daughter to believe in herself. He made me forced me to think of myself as a girl who could do anything she wanted. Only the male lines were there; I don't know if he could see them. I was not asked to go hunting, I could go fishing. For a profession, I could be a librarian, teacher, maid, bookkeeper, secretary, or prostitute. By the 1960's I could go to college. A woman with the future, not yet recognized as an author, artist, storyteller, lawyer, doctor, film producer, judge, president, and on and on. My life was confined by the fairytale and folktale restrictions still present in societies at this time.

As stated before, words for feminine always have a male word hovering inside, man, lad, or he. At least in Latin had an 'a' for the female, the anima, and 'us' for the male the animus. The yin and yang of the Chinese for equality are not true.

--> fe'male,' second to a male;
--> 'lad'y, second to a lad;
--> wo'man', second to the man;
--> s'he' or 'he'r, second to he;
--> 'hero'ine, second the hero;
--> t'he'y has he included;
--- t'he'ir has her included.
--> this has his included
--> the has he and can sound like he.
--> they include the word 'he'.
--> these include the word 'he'.

Unfortunately, 'he' still leads and solves the problems and dilemmas of our world. As a girl, a young feminine, I was pushed from the successes because of my sex, a 'damsel in distress' a maiden to be either an old Maid, unmarried or matron, married.

And what is funny for me, in high school when the school pictures were taken for the yearbook in all the clubs I was a member, and that was many, I wore a small crown in my hair. I did not care if my critical classmates saw or if they did, they were into what they wanted. I was traveling to places. All these years, I wondered what my teenager thought when wearing a crown.

After analyzing thousands of stories, written, told, or filmed, after wanting to be an artist of children's book and a storyteller and then write; after years of pushing for that girl, my youth to succeed; I knew. The maiden, damsel, the servant, the princess, the matron, the mom, the aunt, the grandma, the hag, the crone, the witch, even the sorceress 'had come of age'. I entered the University with a scholarship and loan from the government for a poor female with high grades. I had struggled with all the emotional empowerment from all the damsels in many stories; I won, not as a warrior, as an educated girl with places to go, people to meet, and successes to have.

#14 Sylvia Saves the DAY, NECESSARY

need vs nourish --> natural.
N is for the emotional feeling, NECESSARY!

Sylvia Saves the DAY. 

I wrote this story in 1992 after my volunteer position as Regional Advisor for SCBWI from 1886 to1989. And after researching and publishing my father's family tree, 'His, Her, and Ours.

I saw Sylvia Saves the DAY as a picture book with a drawn quilted spare for the 27 scenes. The picture book never happened, I stopped illustrating and sending my stories to editors. The market had dropped, and I would wait for a return opening. While waiting, I pondered why my stories did not please editors.

While lying on my couch, resting, and rereading my stories, a voice floated through my mind, "you write analogies. You need sunshine in my sky, to dig in the rich soil, so you can move on". The gardening healed my hurts about rejection." So Sylvia, the happy gardener, misses the sun who falls in Sylvia's woodpile. Curran, the wind, helps Sylvia, who saves the day, a strong matron.

Well, as all good stories go, a climax. While gardening during the cold rains in 1998, I got pneumonia and had to stop weeding. 

Again lying on my couch, the voice floated through my mind, "Time for you to stand on stage and tell stories." All my life, I never volunteered to read out loud, and as RA in SCBWI always had someone else stand-up and run the meetings. I worked behind the scenes, safe, not being a man, male, he; I had no voice.

To evolving my style, I needed more education, a broader range of stories from many countries like the story I read as a 5th and 6th grader. My opportunity arrived, storytelling in 2000, then the invite 2002 to tell at the Asian Art Museum, I entered a temple of stories. I would realize why the male voice dominated in writing and stories.

#13 - Sparrow's Gift, MORALITY

mean vs modest ---> merit.
M for the emotional feeling of MORALITY!

Sparrow's Gift

I like this story. The Komi force, a wood statue of the 8th century, denotes feminine energies.YES!

The Tongue-cut Sparrow, or as I call the story, Sparrow’s Gift,' is a Japanese folktale that tells explains the Shinto beliefs, which are ancient, so ancient, first told not written.

The oldest records are from pieces of pottery showing birds, who were the Tarii spirits. The vital force is Komi, which is in all nature, everything is alive, even rocks. One must walk through the gate to Shinto - the medicine way, one must wash - then calling the spirits, sparrows are of this ancient spirit, Tarii. The ancients before 2,000 AD and earlier called this the Honey Way. 

In this story, Sparrow's Gift, the old grandmothers, one is kind and one is greedy, shows the way to Shinto, the Honey Way, or as gifts given by the sparrows. I have used the voices of the grandmothers to show different means of receiving and what the rewards will be.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

#11 - Naga Princes, KINDLE

kill vs know —> keep.
K is for the emotional feeling - KINDLE!

The Snake Princess, NAGA
  Do I like this story? NO! Maybe, yes. I understand why this story sang to me. A young girl child gets to go to college, the University of Colorado, to learn the morays of the educated male world. I took classes to understand the way of social structure; the male and I was a female allowed to be a teacher, nurse, or wife. Feminists were not outspoken in the Rocky Mountains, which was about 100 years behind time, even if Colorado was one of the first stated to allow women to vote. I figured voting rights were to have women come and live in the state.

The Princess Naga does get prestige after schooled by conversations with BoShin: notice the male has a name because humans are the supreme beings. The snakes, Nagas, in the Eastern part of our globe, are a symbol of emotions, although honored must be kept in hand, under control.

The man again is the teacher, the honor supremed being. I'm getting a bit disturbed by all the honor and how much service he receives from women in these old tales. I read these as a child, what did this do to my enthusiasm for life.

Well, I could not be a writer because I was and girl. Worst writing was not taught in public schools, only filling the blanks. Even with my first story published in the Colorado Springs newspaper in 8th grade. Fifty years I am secure with write. Now, I fiddling with folktales, I read as a girl child and know why I liked them; the girl had hope.

I have changed the title of the series to 'Damsels in Distress.' These women knew or went along with the norms of society.

# 12 - Elisa and the Eleven Swans, LOYALTY

lost vs labor --> librate.
L is for the emotional feeling of - LOYALTY!

Elisa and the Eleven Swans  

Do I like this story!  Maybe!

A folktale supposedly Hans Christian Anderson wrote, and after reading his real effort to write, this follows the traditional folktales of the time. He told it in the royal courts, so given him credit because males wrote about male's worth.  Elisa knows how to weave, so first told by servants and laborers who created clothes, most likely together, spinning tales of hope.

This tale is like the Grimm Brothers. A wicked stepmother full of jealousy ruins the life of the father, (the word 'her' included in the spelling), and the children, especially the daughter. I always wondered, "where is the father"? Again, a wicked woman (wo'man' the word man included in the spelling) ruins with 'his' family. I think these (t'he'se) are tales to have women (wo'men') stay with her family because another wicked woman will destroy everything without the man knowing, "never trust the other woman."

The saving feature of this tale is a sister, learns weaving from the peasant family. After Elisa travels through a horrid nightmare adventure, frees her brothers from a curse spun by a wicked woman, the stepmother. Who is really the nemesis? Patrilocal society!

Also, this hints at the acceptance of what is offered with no fighting, screaming, or anger just blatant acceptance. Were women this dull-witted or is this folktale to tell young girls, if you accept and are patient and loyal, you will be liberated as a QUEEN, destine to run the castle for your husband, the KING, or always just a working Princess.

Friday, April 10, 2020

#10 - Julnar of the Sea, JUSTIFIED

Read Character Insight,
 junction vs judge --> journey.
J is for the emotional feeling, JUSTIFIED!

Julnar of the Sea 

I like this story!  A young maiden, shunned by her family, sits on an island in a sea. She convinces the merchant to sell her to a Sultan. Though her powers of manipulations of silence and enticing sex, she becomes wealthy. Julnar has the power of seduction and uses it to manipulate.

 This ancient tale involves a story within a story. The teller Sacheherazade had her motives for telling Julnar of the Sea in 1001 Arabian Nights. This story offers how Sacheherazade saved herself.

After finding out that his first wife, Sultana, deceived Sultan Shahrayar has her strangled. He swears to marry a different woman each night before killing her the following morning to prevent another betrayal. Scheherazade. The Vizier’s, oldest daughter, concocts a plan to end his pattern of killings. When King Shahrayar asks for the younger daughter, Dinarzada, the oldest daughter Sacheherazade too wise in philosophy, medicines, fine arts, and history is one of the most exquisite beauty, goes with her younger sister to spend the night. When King Shahrayar enters, Sacheherazade begins a story. She stops in the middle, so King Shahrayar begs to hear the rest. Sacheherazade tells the Sultan he must wait for next night, thus saving both sister and her. The next evening, Sacheherazade finishes the story and begins another, following the same pattern for 1,001 nights.

Sacheherazade, the witty storyteller, makes her point to King Shahrayar in Julnar of the Sea. Julnar is similar to Sacheherazade, a woman who must save herself and still have respect. By the time, Sacheherazade finishes telling all her stories 1,001 nights pass, she has 3 children by King Shahrayar and becomes the first Queen.

#9 - Tatsuko, Dragon Princess - INSIST

Read other Blogs in A2Z challenge.
impossible vs intent --> Industrious.
I is for the emotional feelings - INSIST!

Tatsuko, the Dragon Princess

I like this story.  We can change our lives for our betterment and those we love. Tatsuko, the most beautiful, strongest, and more intelligent than most in her poor village in Japan. The villagers and her friends worked daily for their crops to sell and foods to eat. Tatsuko observed her friends aging: she did not want this for herself, although her mother said to work was the honor. Tatsuko knows more than hard village work.

Japan was settled in the 16 century by generals, who make Japan one very prosperous nation. The 17 century saw the rise of Kyoto, where the rich had the fantasy of fashion, courtesans, and eventually. the geisha, which means persons of art: conversation, dance, music, performing the tea ceremony, reading literature, and fine calligraphy of the well educated. In the 1730s, both men and women were Geishas. These entertainers like the jesters in the European courts. By 1780s, Geishas were mostly women under strict governmental regulation. Geishas lived in Tea Houses to offered their entertainments of the arts. Their gear supported the merchant's shops: the gowns, Komodo; fans; hairdressing and wigs; make-up; instruments, dancing music. The Tea Ceremony is also associated with Geisha. The story, Tatsuko, Dragon Princess, is about a poor maiden who gets her wish to become a rainbow dragon, a Geisha, who has gifts of fish, the wealth, for her mother.

I can attest to Tatsuko's intent from a living a small working town of Colorado Springs, farming, mining, and then the military. I knew I did not want to become old and tired in a small backward town, then 20,000 residents, to married a hard-working drinking husband, having six children, working in a factory or worst living on my own becoming a prostitute for more income. I begged to go to college for more opportunities. My grades were excellent; I got a scholarship and National Defense Loan. I was one of the many young girls allowed to go the college from the poorer parts of the USA. Teaching was the choice, not many avenues for occupations. Many girls 'found' their husbands. I wanted to travel, so went to Alaska and taught first grade.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

#8 - Rice Goddess, HONESTY

hinder vs helper ----> hope 
H is for the emotion, feeling, HONESTY


Do I like the story? Maybe. She is rewarded by others she helped. What does this say? "Giving gets rewards, honor." I think we (males or females) give though our professions as helpers, teachers, workers, the silent hero/ine. Do all these stories need to be about males and from their point of view? NO! I think this one is saying keep your clothing on.

A Heavenly Being working, serving and saves her family and community while trapped by the greed of a young male. She offers all she knows and has to her situation, and still, he does not honor her. For egos and today the female not recognized and honor for her talents. This code is changing. I was not encouraged to my abilities as an artist and writer that was the male code.

Helplessly abandon on earth, this 'damsel in distress' depends on the young man for help, her deceiver. Using her strengths, she survives. Told all around the world in many different versions, unfortunately, from his point of view, I changed to her point of view.

-  he steals her clothing:
-  she helps him;
-  marries the young man, serving him;
-  he peeks into her magic pot:
-  spends years nurturing and serving him;
-  has many children;
-  offers her efforts to starving neighbors;
-  grows worn and tired from her labors.
-  learns her selfish, lusting husband deceived her;
-  takes her children and leaves.    I would!

Today, this heavenly being is honored in every kitchen of South East Asia as the RICE GODDESS, a satisfying ending for another female, woman helper. Giving is the feminine part of all us not to be damaged by foolish male desire. The woman is not just a server, maid, wife, owned, slave, stolen, bought, threatened, abandoned. The female offers balance has hope, desires, wishes, and gifts for us, not to be stolen and used.

Lecture: what the stealing of the clothing/wings means to the women of Java.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

#7 - Hare in the Moon - GENEROUS

Read A2Z Blogs.
grim vs guard --> give
G is for today's feeling, GENEROUS.

Hare in the Moon, or Rabbit

DO I like this story? --> Maybe? Hard to tell the gender of a rabbit. Both men and women help and save others, one of our greatest gifts. We do and is immediate,  something happens. Spontaneous, DOOM and BOOM, a tragedy than someone, maybe you, helping. Besides, we feel good when giving, sharing, and serving.

Rabbit saves her friends by giving (her sacrifice for all of us) as in this telling when Rabbit serves the great Japanese Sky God.

The rabbit is associated with the moon. She is not a night creature, maybe that the moon is associated with woman power and is symbolized as a healer or  MUSE.
The rabbit or the hare is a popular mystical creature in the stories of the Nordic and Celtic tribes. Rabbit is a serving creature and is sometimes a goddess with different names, Ostara, whose bird turns into a bunny that gave eggs to children, “estrus”, our Easter bunny, the giver of eggs in spring.

It is said, this is one a Buddhist teaching tales from the five-hundred lives he had before he was born as Buddha. So being this tale is at least 3000 years old and beyond because travelers carry their stories from place to place, we as modern people discount this stream of verbal tellings.

Bare Rabbit from the Uncle Remus stories I read in my childhood. Rabbit also tricks tiger in the Korean folklore. Rabbit represents the common folk and tiger the ruling class.

Rabbit is in the Chinese zodiac and in their moon. Pa’gue, the first Dragon, died and leaves his body to make China. In doing so his left eye floated into the sky and became the moon, giving herbs to the peoples. Rabbit, who lives in the moon, grinds the spices and herbs for medicines for the early people. Later the God of Farming changes Rabbit into a Goddess, who gives medicines to the peoples of China.