Time Traveling in the InBetween
I borrowed this analogy from our ways of traveling. When driving a car, riding a train, flying in an airplane, or voyaging on a ship, we move through time and space to a destination. We enter a protective frame: our car, plane, train or boat, the PortHold. Then we drive, ride, fly, or float through the InBetween of vast experiences, We disembark at our destination, the next PortHold: a parking lot, train station, airport, or ship dock. Video games, television, and computers are also PortHolds of time travel through to the InBetween — streaming.
A variety of textures, noise, and lights describes the tunnels in the InBetween used by the Elves and Trolls to slide from one realm to the next — the general relativity or string theory!
This happened when a sherrie is PURSUED through the InBetween by Ole Fog, the immortal, DEATH. The helpless sherrie dropped into the Oakgrove gardens through the PortHold Grunda Faye guarded for the entry of unwanted evil spirits.